For Immediate Release
Children’s Literary Classics
We’d like to be the first to congratulate you on your literary success! It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2015 Literary Classics Book award honorees.
You can be very proud to be in such esteemed company. Our judges were thoroughly impressed by the level of excellence demonstrated by this year’s entries.
You are our Top Honors winner for the Lumen Award, given for “excellence in nonfiction for young readers.” Award recipients were selected from entries
received from around the globe. Top Honors award recipients will receive Top Honors award images and further instructions in a separate email.
The 2015 Literary Classics book award recipients will be recognized during an awards presentation to be held on April 2, 2016 at the Los Angeles Convention
Center. Literary Classics, an organization dedicated to furthering excellence in literature, takes great pride in its role to help promote classic literature which
appeals to youth, while educating and encouraging positive values in the impressionable young minds of future generations.
Judging is based upon the
criteria set forth by Literary Classics’ highly selective awards committee which honors books promoting character, vision, creativity and learning, through
content which possesses key elements found in well-crafted literature. The Literary Classics judging committee is comprised of experts with backgrounds in
publishing, writing, editing, design, illustration, and book reviewing.
We’d like to invite you to the Literary Classics Book Awards presentation and private authors’ reception to be held on April 2, 2016 in Los Angeles. –As a 2015
Literary Classics Top Honors Book Award recipient, you will receive one full complimentary pass to attend the AWP Conference. Award recipients were
selected from entries received from around the globe.
Congratulations again!
Literary Classics
P.O. Box 3362
Rapid City, SD 57709